How to choose the perfect venue for your wedding

Once you have decided the number of the guests, now you have to choose the venue for your wedding.

Before starting visiting venues and venues for a lot of days you should consider these aspects for each one:

Does it have enough place for my guest? It has nonsense to visit villas that you already know in advance it is too small or too big. You lose your time and your energy.
If your wedding is in July and you desire a wedding in the green, be sure that it has a park, where you can organize sitting tables and consider where you will stay, in case of raining. You must always have a B solution. To be optimistic and think “rain never happen to my wedding” it is not a good strategy.
If you get married in winter select only villas that has a heating system (not so expected)
Consider to ask to a professional, you will receive an expert proposal.
I will write you here any example on how to choose your venue.

If you love an intimate park with a rustic villa you could choose Villa Petrobelli or Villa Frassanelle. This last one has a bigger room so if you have 250 people on your wedding the right solution could be Villa Frassanelle if you have 90 people better Villa Petrobelli.
If you would like to get the legal civil ceremony inside are perfect Castello di Lispida or Villa Frassanelle. The choice will be done by the number of the group.
If you would impress your guests with frescoed rooms Villa Foscarini Rossi has a fabulous Salon that will remain impressed to everybody.
For a wedding in Venice with religious ceremony your choice will be Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista.
For a wedding immersed in a park between an arcade of big trees the perfect solutions is Ca’ Sagredo, while Villa Il Palazzon, Castello di Lispida and Villa Foscarini Rossi have big green spaces for walking in the park.
As you can see the right choice is a balance between your dream and your needs. It is very important to choose a venue, where you and your guests could celebrate friendly and sure that you have your spaces and your comforts the whole day for the different time of the day.

I hope, these suggestions will help you in the selection of the right venue for your wedding.

Contact me to have further information you need to start with the planning of your wedding in Italy.


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